| - A Night at the Garden is a 2017 short documentary film about a 1939 Nazi rally that filled Madison Square Garden in New York City. The film was directed by Marshall Curry from footage found by archival producer Rich Remsberg, and was produced by Laura Poitras and Charlotte Cook with Field of Vision. The seven-minute film is composed entirely of archival footage and features a speech from Fritz Julius Kuhn, the leader of the German American Bund, in which anti-Semitic and pro white-Christian sentiments are espoused. (en)
- A Night at The Garden adalah film dokumenter pendek tahun 1939 tentang rapat umum Nazi di Madison Square Garden, New York City, tahun 1939. Film ini disutradarai oleh dan diproduseri oleh Laura Poitras dan Charlotte Cook bekerja sama dengan Field of Vision. Film berdurasi tujuh menit ini terdiri atas rekaman arsip dan menampilkan pidato , ketua German American Bund, yang mengandung sentimen anti-Semit dan pro-Kristen kulit putih. Dokumenter ini taynag perdana di Festival Film Sundance tahun 2018 dan mendapat nominasi Academy Awards ke-91 kategori . (in)
- 《2만 나치의 뉴욕 침공》(A Night at the Garden)은 미국에서 제작된 감독, 로라 포이트러스, 샬럿 쿡 제작의 2017년 다큐멘터리 영화이다. 이 영화는 1939년 뉴욕시의 메디슨 스퀘어 가든을 채웠던 나치 봉기에 관해 다룬 단편 다큐멘터리 영화이다. (ko)
- A Night at the Garden é um documentário americano de 2017 sobre uma área de desfile do partido nazista que encheu o Madison Square Guarden, em Nova Iorque, no ano de 1939. Dirigido por Marshall Curry e produzido por Laura Poitras e Charlotte Cook, a curta-metragem de 7 minutos é composta inteiramente por imagens de arquivo e excertos de um discurso de Fritz Kuhn, líder do German American Bund, organização na qual prevalecem os sentimentos de antissemitismo, racismo, dentre outros. Estreado no Festival de Cinema de Sundance de 2018, foi, como reconhecimento, nomeado ao Óscar 2019 na categoria de Melhor Documentário em Curta-metragem. (pt)
- A Night at The Garden (deutsch Ein Abend im Garden) ist ein englischsprachiger Dokumentar-Kurzfilm von Marshall Curry. Der Film zeigt mit Hilfe von Archivmaterial eine „pro-amerikanische“ Nazi-Wahlkampfkundgebung im Madison Square Garden in New York aus dem Jahr 1939, insbesondere antisemitische Teile einer Rede von Fritz Julius Kuhn, dem Vorsitzenden des Amerikadeutschen Bundes. (de)