has abstract
| - Abraham Sternhartz (1862–1955), also known as Avraham Shternhartz, was an Orthodox rabbi in Ukraine and a unique and unsurpassed figure in the chain of transmission of Breslover teachings from the early generations of the movement to the latter ones. On his father's side, he was the great-grandson of Nathan of Breslov (known as Reb Noson), the closest disciple of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, who promulgated the movement after Nachman's death. On his mother's side, he was the grandson of Rabbi Nachman Goldstein, known as the Tcheriner Rav, who was one of Reb Noson's leading disciples. Because of these family relationships, Sternhartz was privy to all the traditions and stories about Reb Noson. These formed the basis for his volume of oral traditions related to Likutey Moharan, entitled Tovot Zichronot, published by his disciple Rabbi Gedaliah Aharon Koenig. Rabbi Sternhartz also authored a complete commentary on Likutey Moharan that was lost in Jerusalem during Israel's 1948 War of Independence. (en)