| - La classe Aetos fu una classe di cacciatorpediniere composta da quattro unità entrate in servizio nel 1912, costruite nel Regno Unito e acquistate poi dalla Marina militare greca. Attive durante la prima guerra balcanica, le unità della classe presero parte anche alla prima guerra mondiale servendo sotto bandiera francese dopo la cattura della flotta greca da parte degli Alleati; dopo aver partecipato agli eventi della guerra greco-turca del 1919-1922, i cacciatorpediniere classe Aetos presero parte alla seconda guerra mondiale durante la quale uno di essi finì affondato in un attacco aereo tedesco. Le restanti tre unità furono radiate nel 1943 e demolite nel 1946. (it)
- Niszczyciele typu Aetos – seria greckich niszczycieli, w służbie w latach 1912–1946. Brały udział w obu wojnach światowych, wojnie bałkańskiej i wojnie grecko-tureckiej. (pl)
- Эскадренные миноносцы типа «Аэтос» — первые большие эсминцы греческого флота. Заказаны в 1909 году Аргентиной как «Сан-Луис», «Санта-Фе», «Сантьяго» и «Тукуман», в 1911-м спущены на воду. Из-за выявившихся при испытаниях недостатков и финансовых разногласий аргентинская сторона в итоге разорвала контракт и отказалась от уже готовых кораблей. В октябре 1912 года куплены Грецией. В 1917—1918 годах все, кроме «Пантера», служили под французским флагом. (ru)
- The Aetos class were four destroyers were originally constructed for the Argentine Navy as the San Luis class. In Greek they are known as the Thiria (Greek: Θηρία, "Wild Beasts") class, after the ships' names. They were purchased by the Royal Hellenic Navy in October 1912 when the Greek government expanded its navy after losing the Greco-Turkish War of 1897 and in anticipation of the Balkan Wars. In December 1916, during World War I, three of the destroyers were seized by France and served in the French Navy until 1918, all except Panthir. They were returned to Greece in 1918. In 1924–1925, they were extensively rebuilt and continued in service into World War II, where they fought with the Allies. Leon was sunk by German aircraft at Suda Bay, Crete. The other three destroyers survived the (en)