| - Alan Parkhurst Merriam (Missoula, 1er novembre 1923-Varsovie, 14 mars 1980) est un anthropologue culturel et ethnomusicologue américain connu pour ses travaux sur la musique amérindienne et africaine. (fr)
- Alan Parkhurst Merriam (Missoula, 1º novembre 1923 – Varsavia, 14 marzo 1980) è stato un etnomusicologo statunitense. (it)
- Alan P. Merriam (ur. 1 listopada 1923 w Missouli, zm. 14 marca 1980 w Warszawie) – amerykański etnomuzykolog. Prekursor antropologii muzycznej. Za istotne zadanie etnomuzykologii uważał badanie muzyki w kontekście kultury. Jego najważniejszym dziełem była monografia pt. The Anthropology of Music (1964). Zginął w katastrofie lotniczej na Okęciu w 1980 roku. (pl)
- Alan Parkhurst Merriam (Missoula, Montana, 1 de novembre de 1923 - Varsòvia, 14 de març de 1980) va ser un antropòleg, etnomusicòleg i professor estatunidenc. Es graduà en estudis de música a la Universitat Estatal de Montana el 1947 i, posteriorment, cursà estudis d'antropologia a la Universitat de Northwestern, tenint com a mestres Melville J. Herskovits i Richard A. Waterman, i on es doctorà el 1951. Fou professor a la Universitat de Northwestern entre els anys 1953 i 1954, i entre 1956 i 1962, i també a la Universitat de Wisconsin entre 1954 i 1956. El 1962 fou nomenat professor d'antropologia a la Universitat d'Indiana a Bloomington (Indiana), on posteriorment esdevingué cap del departament entre 1966 i 1969. Sota la seva direcció va convertir en un centre líder en recerca en etnomusi (ca)
- Alan Parkhurst Merriam (1 November 1923 – 14 March 1980) was an American ethnomusicologist known for his studies of music in Native America and Africa. In his book The Anthropology of Music (1964), he outlined and develops a theory and method for studying music from an anthropological perspective with anthropological methods. Although he taught at Northwestern University and University of Wisconsin, the majority of his academic career was spent at Indiana University where he was named a professor in 1962 and then chairman of the anthropology department from 1966 to 1969, which became a leading center of ethnomusicology research under his guidance. He was a co-founder of the Society for Ethnomusicology in 1952 and held the elected post of president of that society from 1963 to 1965. He edit (en)