The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) is the second largest teacher's labor union in America (the largest being the National Education Association). The union was founded in Chicago. John Dewey and Margaret Haley were founders.
미국 교사 연맹(영어: American Federation of Teachers; AFT)은 1916년 설립된 미국의 교원 노동조합이다. AFT는 미국에서 2번째로 큰 교육 노조이며, 은퇴자 25만명을 포함하여 1500만명의 회원이 있다. (ko)
美國教師聯盟(The American Federation of Teachers,AFT),也译作美國教師聯合會,是由美國教師組成的工會團體,由創立於1916年的芝加哥; 其前身為1900年創立的美國教師與學生聯盟(American Federation of Teachers and Students)。 美國教師聯盟有約60%的會員從事教職,其餘為準教職人員或其他校園工作者,包括聯邦政府或各州職員、大學院校職員、護理師、等人員,組成相當多元。 美國教師聯盟自成立以來,就是美國勞工聯合會-產業工會聯合會的會員工會。 (zh)
The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) is the second largest teacher's labor union in America (the largest being the National Education Association). The union was founded in Chicago. John Dewey and Margaret Haley were founders. (en)