Bashful Anton (Swedish: Blyge Anton) is a 1940 Swedish comedy film directed by Emil A. Lingheim and starring Edvard Persson, Ingrid Luterkort and Britta Brunius. The film's art direction was by Max Linder.
Bashful Anton (Swedish: Blyge Anton) is a 1940 Swedish comedy film directed by Emil A. Lingheim and starring Edvard Persson, Ingrid Luterkort and Britta Brunius. The film's art direction was by Max Linder. (en)
Blyge Anton är en svensk dramafilm från 1940 i regi av Emil A. Lingheim. (sv)
Bashful Anton (Swedish: Blyge Anton) is a 1940 Swedish comedy film directed by Emil A. Lingheim and starring Edvard Persson, Ingrid Luterkort and Britta Brunius. The film's art direction was by Max Linder. (en)
Blyge Anton är en svensk dramafilm från 1940 i regi av Emil A. Lingheim. (sv)