| - The Battle of Dalrigh, also known as the Battle of Dail Righ, Battle of Dalry or Battle of Strathfillan, was fought in 1306 between the army of King Robert the Bruce against Clan MacDougall of Argyll, who were allies of Clan Comyn and the English. It took place at the hamlet of Dalrigh (the "King's Field" in the Scottish Gaelic language) near Tyndrum in Perthshire, Scotland (not to be confused with Dalry, Ayrshire). Bruce's army, reeling westwards after defeat by the English on 19 June at the Battle of Methven, was intercepted and all but destroyed, with Bruce himself narrowly escaping capture. The battle took place sometime between July and early August, but the exact date is unknown. (en)
- Das Gefecht bei Dalry (auch Gefecht bei Dail Righ) war eine militärische Auseinandersetzung während des Ersten Schottischen Unabhängigkeitskriegs. Ende Juli 1306 oder in der ersten Hälfte des Augusts 1306, nach anderen Angaben möglicherweise am 13. Juli 1306 wurde die Streitmacht von Robert Bruce von einer Streitmacht unter dem mit ihm verfeindeten John of Lorne geschlagen. Weder über das Datum, noch über den Verlauf oder über den genauen Ort der Schlacht gibt es gesicherte Angaben. Die Angaben beruhen fast alle auf die Beschreibung des mittelalterlichen Dichters John Barbour. (de)
- La bataille de Dalrigh (aussi écrit Dalry ou Dail Righ) opposa le roi d'Écosse Robert Ier à ses rivaux du clan MacDougall en juillet ou août 1306 près de Dalrigh dans le Lorne. (fr)
- La battaglia di Dalrigh (detta anche battaglia di Dail Righ, battaglia di Dalry o battaglia di Strathfillan), venne combattuta nell'estate del 1306 tra l'esercito di re Roberto I di Scozia ed il clan ribelle dei MacDougall di Argyll, alleati del Clan Comyn e degli inglesi. Lo scontro si svolse a ("Campo del re" in gaelico) presso Tyndrum, nel Perthshire, in Scozia (da non confondere con Dalry, nell'Ayrshire). L'esercito di Robert Bruce (Roberto I), mossosi ad ovest dopo la sconfitta subita dagli inglesi il 19 giugno nella battaglia di Methven, venne intercettato e parzialmente distrutto, ma Roberto I riuscì a sfuggire alla cattura. (it)