| - The Battle of the Wines (fr. La Bataille des Vins), sometimes called "The Battle of the Blends" was a notable poem written by Henry d'Andeli in 1224 and tells the story of a famous wine tasting organized by the French king Philip Augustus. Over 70 samples from France and across Europe, including Cyprus, Spain and the Mosel region, were tasted and judged by an English priest. The priest classified the wines he tasted as either Celebrated for those which pleased him or Excommunicated for those that did not meet his standards. In the end a sweet wine from Cyprus (widely believed to be Commandaria) won the overall tasting and was awarded the supreme title of "Apostle". (en)
- La Bataille des vins, connue aussi sous le titre de Dit des vins de France, est la première tentative faite au Moyen Âge d'un classement des vins. (fr)
- La Bataille des vins (La Battaglia dei vini), noto anche come Dit des Vins de France, è un poema in 204 versi composto poco dopo il 1224 da Henri d'Andeli. Rappresenta un primo tentativo fatto nel Medioevo di classificazione dei vini e costituisce una preziosa testimonianza dei vigneti (francesi e mediterranei) noti del XIII secolo (it)
- «Би́тва вин» (фр. La Bataille des Vins) — середньовічна французька поема. Поема є безцінним свідченням про існуючі виноградники та вина XIII століття та, по суті, є першою спробою класифікації вин. (uk)
- «Би́тва вин» (фр. La Bataille des Vins) — средневековая французская поэма (фр. Henri d'Andeli) нормандского трувера XIII в. Написана в 1224 г., по сути представляет собой одну из первых попыток классификации вин и имеет важное значение как источник о виноградниках и винах XIII в. (ru)