| - Dominium terrae (lat. für „Herrschaft über die Erde“) ist ein theologischer Fachbegriff für ein wirkungsgeschichtlich bedeutendes Motiv aus dem Alten Testament, nämlich den Auftrag Gottes an den Menschen, (Genesis 1,28 : „Seid fruchtbar und mehrt euch, füllt die Erde und unterwerft sie und waltet über die Fische des Meeres, über die Vögel des Himmels und über alle Tiere, die auf der Erde kriechen!“). (de)
- Mandat budaya atau mandat penciptaan adalah perintah ilahi yang ditemukan dalam Kejadian 1:28, dimana Allah (YHWH), setelah menciptakan dunia, memerintahkan umat manusia untuk memenuhi, menaklukan dan menguasai seluruh bumi. (in)
- 문화명령(cultural mandate, creation mandate)이란 창세기 1장 28절에 나오는 하나님의 명령이다. 야웨 하나님께서 이 세계와 이 세계의 모든 것들을 창조하시고 인간들에게 생육하고 번성하고 땅을 정복하고, 땅에 충만하도록 임무를 주신 것을 묘사한 말이다. (ko)
- In Judaism, Christianity, and some other Abrahamic religions, the cultural mandate is the divine injunction found in Genesis 1:28, in which God, after having created the world and all in it, ascribes to humankind the tasks of filling, subduing, and ruling over the earth. The cultural mandate includes the sentence "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the Earth." The cultural mandate was given to Adam and Eve. (en)
has abstract
| - Dominium terrae (lat. für „Herrschaft über die Erde“) ist ein theologischer Fachbegriff für ein wirkungsgeschichtlich bedeutendes Motiv aus dem Alten Testament, nämlich den Auftrag Gottes an den Menschen, (Genesis 1,28 : „Seid fruchtbar und mehrt euch, füllt die Erde und unterwerft sie und waltet über die Fische des Meeres, über die Vögel des Himmels und über alle Tiere, die auf der Erde kriechen!“). (de)
- In Judaism, Christianity, and some other Abrahamic religions, the cultural mandate is the divine injunction found in Genesis 1:28, in which God, after having created the world and all in it, ascribes to humankind the tasks of filling, subduing, and ruling over the earth. The cultural mandate includes the sentence "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the Earth." The cultural mandate was given to Adam and Eve. The text finds an immediate interpretation in the opening chapter of the book of Exodus as the description of the Israelites in Egypt are alluded to as, "fruitful, increased greatly, multiplied, and extremely strong, so that the land was filled with them." In Orthodox and Conservative Judaism, the mandate to "be fruitful and multiply" is interpreted as requiring every couple to have at least a son and a daughter. Other Jewish groups (such as Reform Judaism) and individual Jews have interpreted this mandate differently. For example, Richard Friedman in his Commentary on the Torah (2001) claims that the mandate "be fruitful and multiply and fill the Earth" has "been fulfilled." The mandate is elaborated upon in numerous parts of the Talmud, for example in Kidushin. In the interpretation of some denominations of Christianity, adherents should actively work to fulfill the mandate.Within Christianity in general, the cultural mandate is most elaborately developed in the West by Neo-Calvinism, which explores the implications for modern, pluralistic society, of this Calvinistic assertion. Despite "be fruitful and multiply" being the most important mitzvah, contraception is permitted in Judaism in appropriate circumstances such as difficult family situations. In instances like these, rabbis may allow women to start contraceptive methods. (en)
- Mandat budaya atau mandat penciptaan adalah perintah ilahi yang ditemukan dalam Kejadian 1:28, dimana Allah (YHWH), setelah menciptakan dunia, memerintahkan umat manusia untuk memenuhi, menaklukan dan menguasai seluruh bumi. (in)
- 문화명령(cultural mandate, creation mandate)이란 창세기 1장 28절에 나오는 하나님의 명령이다. 야웨 하나님께서 이 세계와 이 세계의 모든 것들을 창조하시고 인간들에게 생육하고 번성하고 땅을 정복하고, 땅에 충만하도록 임무를 주신 것을 묘사한 말이다. (ko)