Bhajantrilu is a 2007 Indian Telugu film, directed by the renowned comedian M. S. Narayana and starring Sivaji, Vikram, Sushmita and Sivani. The film was released on 1 November 2007. It was not very successful.
Bhajantrilu is a 2007 Indian Telugu film, directed by the renowned comedian M. S. Narayana and starring Sivaji, Vikram, Sushmita and Sivani. The film was released on 1 November 2007. It was not very successful. (en)
Bhajantrilu is a 2007 Indian Telugu film, directed by the renowned comedian M. S. Narayana and starring Sivaji, Vikram, Sushmita and Sivani. The film was released on 1 November 2007. It was not very successful. (en)