Bimberamala River, a perennial river of the Clyde River catchment, is located in the Southern Tablelands and the upper ranges of the South Coast regions of New South Wales, Australia.
Bimberamala River, a perennial river of the Clyde River catchment, is located in the Southern Tablelands and the upper ranges of the South Coast regions of New South Wales, Australia. (en)
Bimberamala é um rio australiano, ano sudeste de Nova Gales do Sul, o rio começa abaixo do Monte Budawang a uma altitude de 814m e termina a uma altitude de 57.1m fundindo-se com o Rio Clyde. Porque o Rio Bimberamala faz parte do sistema do Rio Clyde o parque Bimberamala contribui para a saúde das águas da área de Batemans Bay. (pt)
Der Bimberamala River ist ein kleiner Fluss im Südosten des australischen Bundesstaates New South Wales. Er entspringt an den Westhängen des Mount Budawang im Budawang-Nationalpark und fließt in Form eines großen S nach Osten. Im Yadboro State Forest mündet er in den Clyde River. (de)