Bombay Begums is an Indian drama web series for Netflix created by Alankrita Shrivastava, who also co-wrote the script along with Bornila Chatterjee and Iti Agarwal. The series directed by Shrivastava and Chatterjee, is produced by the Los Angeles-based Chernin Entertainment and Endemol Shine Group, which features Pooja Bhatt, Shahana Goswami, Amruta Subhash and Plabita Borthakur in the lead roles, which was narrated by Aadhya Anand. The series marks the comeback of actress Pooja Bhatt. It explores the lives of five ambitious women from various walks of life navigating through their dreams, desires and disappointments, from boardrooms to society's margins, in modern-day Mumbai. It was released on Netflix on 8 March 2021.