Born to Boogie is a 1972 British concert film about a concert at the Empire Pool starring T. Rex, Marc Bolan, Ringo Starr and Elton John. Directed by Starr himself, the movie was released on The Beatles' Apple Films label.
Born to Boogie je dokumentární film z roku 1972. Jedná se o záznam koncertu Ringo Starra, Marca Bolana a jeho skupiny T.Rex ve Wembley. Film režíroval Ringo Starr. DVD vyšlo v roce 2005. Premiéra se konala v kině Oscar na Brewer Street v Londýně dne 14. prosince 1972, kterého se zúčastnil Ringo Starr i Marc Bolan. Obal DVD byl navržen a vyroben podle . (cs)
Born to Boogie is a 1972 British concert film about a concert at the Empire Pool starring T. Rex, Marc Bolan, Ringo Starr and Elton John. Directed by Starr himself, the movie was released on The Beatles' Apple Films label. (en)