Bou Thakuranir Haat is a Bengali drama film directed by Naresh Mitra based on a novel of Rabindranath Tagore in the same name, published in 1883. This film was released in 1953 in the banner of Emar Productions.
Bou Thakuranir Haat is a Bengali drama film directed by Naresh Mitra based on a novel of Rabindranath Tagore in the same name, published in 1883. This film was released in 1953 in the banner of Emar Productions. (en)
Bou Thakuranir Haat is a Bengali drama film directed by Naresh Mitra based on a novel of Rabindranath Tagore in the same name, published in 1883. This film was released in 1953 in the banner of Emar Productions. (en)