| - Le Canadian Government Railways (CGR) était une compagnie créée par le gouvernement canadien pour gérer les chemins de fer en difficulté financière et promouvoir le développement économique. Elle a surtout été active de 1915 à 1918. (fr)
- Canadian Government Railways (reporting marks CGR, IRC) was the legal name used between 1915–1918 for all federal government-owned railways in Canada. The principal component companies were the Intercolonial Railway of Canada (IRC), the National Transcontinental Railway (NTR), the Prince Edward Island Railway (PEIR), and the Hudson Bay Railway (HBR). There were also several minor branch railways in the province of New Brunswick that were acquired by CGR during this time. (en)
- Canadian Government Railways (CGR) war von 1914 bis 1918 die offizielle Bezeichnung für die staatlichen Eisenbahnen Kanadas. Am 1. August 1914 gegründet vereinigte sie mehrere bereits in Besitz des Staates befindliche Bahngesellschaften sowie einige kleinere private Bahnen in wirtschaftlicher Not. Dies waren im Einzelnen:
* Intercolonial Railway
* Moncton and Buctouche Railway
* National Transcontinental Railway
* International Railway of New Brunswick
* New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island Railway
* (Spurweite 1067 mm) Dazu kamen am 20. Mai 1918 in New Brunswick: (de)
- Canadian Government Railways (CGR) fu il nome legalmente utilizzato tra 1915 e 1918 per designare le ferrovie del Canada gestite dal governo federale. Il treno Ocean Limited sotto la gestione CGR A causa dell'aggravarsi della crisi finanziaria in cui versava il settore ferroviario canadese, verso la fine della prima guerra mondiale, la maggior parte delle ferrovie principali di tutto il paese dovettero essere nazionalizzate e poste sotto la gestione provvisoria della nuova entità denominata Canadian Government Railways (CGR). Le compagnie che ne divennero componenti, tra il 1º agosto 1914 e il 1918, furono l'Intercolonial Railway of Canada (IRC), la (NTR), la , la (PEIR), a scartamento ridotto 1067 mm, la e la (HBR). (it)