| - سينثيا ويبر (بالإنجليزية: Cynthia Weber) هي عالمة سياسة أمريكية، ولدت في 4 يونيو 1961. (ar)
- シンシア・ウェーバー(Cynthia Weber、1961年 - )は、アメリカ合衆国の政治学者。専攻は、国際関係論、ジェンダー論。 アリゾナ州立大学大学院で博士号取得。パデュー大学、ランカスター大学を経て、現在、サセックス大学国際関係論教授。 (ja)
- Cynthia Weber is a Professor of International Relations at Sussex University, UK, and co-Director of the media company Pato Productions. Cynthia Weber was born in New Jersey, USA, and raised in Pennsylvania. She received a BA in Political Science from West Virginia University (1983), an MA from Sussex University (1985), and a PhD from Arizona State University (1990). She held a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Southern California (1989–1990) and has held visiting appointments at numerous universities including the New School University, the University of Arizona, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, and Queen's University Belfast in Northern Ireland. Weber trained as a filmmaker in the early 2000s at the University of Leeds. She is also an affiliated scholar with the Graduate Pro (en)
- Cynthia Weber adalah dosen hubungan internasional di , Britania Raya, dan direktur perusahaan media Pato Productions. Weber lahir di New Jersey dan dibesarkan di Pennsylvania. Ia mendapat gelar BA di bidang ilmu politik dari (1983), MA dari Universitas Sussex (1985), dan PhD dari (1990). Ia memegang jabatan pascadoktoral di Universitas California Selatan (1989–1990) dan menjadi dosen tamu di berbagai universitas, termasuk New School University, Universitas Arizona, , dan di Irlandia Utara. Weber mempelajari pembuatan film pada awal 2000-an di Universitas Leeds. Ia juga merupakan akademisi di program S2 hubungan internasional di , New York City. (in)