Faces in the Dark is a 1960 black and white British thriller film directed by David Eady and starring John Gregson, Mai Zetterling and John Ireland. The film is based on the 1952 novel Les Visages de l'ombre by Boileau-Narcejac.
Faces in the Dark is a 1960 black and white British thriller film directed by David Eady and starring John Gregson, Mai Zetterling and John Ireland. The film is based on the 1952 novel Les Visages de l'ombre by Boileau-Narcejac. (en)
Faces in the Dark est un film britannique réalisé par David Eady, sorti en 1960. (fr)
Faces in the Dark è un film del 1960 diretto da . È un film thriller britannico con John Gregson, Mai Zetterling e John Ireland. È basato sul romanzo del 1953 Les visages de l'ombre di e . (it)