Felix Aderca (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈfeliks aˈderka]; born Froim-Zelig [Froim-Zeilic] Aderca; March 13, 1891 – December 12, 1962), also known as F. Aderca, Zelicu Froim Adercu or Froim Aderca, was a Romanian novelist, playwright, poet, journalist and critic, noted as a representative of rebellious modernism in the context of Romanian literature. As a member of the Sburătorul circle and close friend of its founder Eugen Lovinescu, Aderca promoted the ideas of literary innovation, cosmopolitanism and art for art's sake, reacting against the growth of traditionalist currents. His diverse works of fiction, noted as adaptations of Expressionist techniques over conventional narratives, range from psychological and biographical novels to pioneering fantasy and science fiction writings, and als