Forfarshire was a paddle steamer with brigantine rigging, built in Dundee in 1834, and which struck and later foundered on one of the Farne Islands on 7 September 1838, giving rise to the rescue for which Grace Darling is famed.
Forfarshire was a paddle steamer with brigantine rigging, built in Dundee in 1834, and which struck and later foundered on one of the Farne Islands on 7 September 1838, giving rise to the rescue for which Grace Darling is famed. (en)
Le Forfarshire est un bateau à roues à aubes britannique fabriqué à Dundee en 1834, et qui s'est échoué sur une des Îles Farne le 7 septembre 1838. Neuf membres de l'équipage doivent leur salut à la gardienne de phare Grace Darling. Il mesurait 55 mètres de long sur 7 mètres de large. (fr)