Freedom of the Press was an annual report on media independence around the world, published between 1980 and 2017 by US-based non-governmental organization Freedom House. It presented measurements of the level of freedom and editorial independence enjoyed by the press in nations and significant disputed territories around the world.
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| - تقرير حرية الصحافة (ar)
- Freedom of the Press (Bericht) (de)
- Ελευθερία του Τύπου (αναφορά) (el)
- Freedom of the Press (report) (en)
- Freedom of the Press (it)
| - تقرير حرية الصحافة هو تقرير سنوي صادر عن منظمة فريدم هاوس غير الحكومية ومقرها الولايات المتحدة، تقيس مستوى الحرية واستقلال الخط التحريري الذي تتمتع به الصحافة في الدول والأقاليم حول العالم. (ar)
- Η Ελευθερία του Τύπου (αγγλικά: Freedom of the Press) είναι μια ετήσια έκθεση από την αμερικανική μη κυβερνητική οργάνωση , με την μέτρηση του επιπέδου της ελευθερίας και συντακτικής ανεξαρτησίας που απολαμβάνει ο Τύπος σε χώρες και σημαντικά αμφισβητούμενα εδάφη σε όλο τον κόσμο. (el)
- Freedom of the Press ist ein jährlich erscheinender Bericht der US-amerikanischen Nichtregierungsorganisation Freedom House. Er misst das Ausmaß der Pressefreiheit und die editorielle Unabhängigkeit der Presse in Ländern und umstrittenen Gebieten der Welt. (de)
- Freedom of the Press was an annual report on media independence around the world, published between 1980 and 2017 by US-based non-governmental organization Freedom House. It presented measurements of the level of freedom and editorial independence enjoyed by the press in nations and significant disputed territories around the world. (en)
- Il Freedom of the Press (in inglese: «libertà della stampa») è un rapporto pubblicato annualmente a partire dal 1980 dalla Freedom House, una organizzazione non governativa statunitense, con lo scopo di misurare il livello di libertà e indipendenza dei media (stampa, trasmissioni radio e televisive, media digitali) che raggiunge 199 Paesi e territori nel mondo. (it)
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| - تقرير حرية الصحافة هو تقرير سنوي صادر عن منظمة فريدم هاوس غير الحكومية ومقرها الولايات المتحدة، تقيس مستوى الحرية واستقلال الخط التحريري الذي تتمتع به الصحافة في الدول والأقاليم حول العالم. (ar)
- Η Ελευθερία του Τύπου (αγγλικά: Freedom of the Press) είναι μια ετήσια έκθεση από την αμερικανική μη κυβερνητική οργάνωση , με την μέτρηση του επιπέδου της ελευθερίας και συντακτικής ανεξαρτησίας που απολαμβάνει ο Τύπος σε χώρες και σημαντικά αμφισβητούμενα εδάφη σε όλο τον κόσμο. (el)
- Freedom of the Press ist ein jährlich erscheinender Bericht der US-amerikanischen Nichtregierungsorganisation Freedom House. Er misst das Ausmaß der Pressefreiheit und die editorielle Unabhängigkeit der Presse in Ländern und umstrittenen Gebieten der Welt. (de)
- Freedom of the Press was an annual report on media independence around the world, published between 1980 and 2017 by US-based non-governmental organization Freedom House. It presented measurements of the level of freedom and editorial independence enjoyed by the press in nations and significant disputed territories around the world. (en)
- Il Freedom of the Press (in inglese: «libertà della stampa») è un rapporto pubblicato annualmente a partire dal 1980 dalla Freedom House, una organizzazione non governativa statunitense, con lo scopo di misurare il livello di libertà e indipendenza dei media (stampa, trasmissioni radio e televisive, media digitali) che raggiunge 199 Paesi e territori nel mondo. I gradi di libertà vengono inseriti in una scala da 1 (per i paesi più liberi) a 100 (per quelli meno liberi). In funzione dei risultati, le nazioni vengono quindi classificate in "Libere" (punteggio da 0 a 30), "Semi-libere" (da 31 a 60) o "Non libere" (da 61 a 100). I punteggi vengono assegnati sulla base di 23 domande tese a valutare il contesto legale, politico ed economico in cui i media operano. (it)
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