| - Game Developer war eine von März 1994 bis Juni 2013 monatlich erscheinende Zeitschrift zum Thema Computerspielentwicklung. Das Magazin war für qualifizierte professionelle Spieleentwickler in den USA kostenlos, des Weiteren konnte man es kostenpflichtig im Abonnement als Printmagazin und später auch als digitale Version beziehen. Im Juli 2008 erreichte die hauptsächlich in Nordamerika verbreitete Zeitschrift 35.000 Leser. (de)
- Game Developer was a magazine for video game creators, originally started in March 1994 by Miller Freeman, Inc as quarterly, later bimonthly, and finally monthly. In each issue, industry leaders and experts shared technical solutions, reviewed new game development tools, and discussed strategies for creating innovative, successful video games. Monthly postmortems dissected the industry's leading games, from AAA console to social and mobile games and beyond, and columns gave insight into deeper development practices from across all disciplines, from design, to programming, to art, to business, and audio. It was closed in 2013 as part of a restructuring at parent company UBM Tech (part of UBM plc) that included the closing of all print publications owned by that company. (en)
- Game Developer es una revista estadounidense para profesionales de la industria de los videojuegos. Se ha publicado desde marzo de 1994 por y llegó a ser distribuida a 35,000 lectores, principalmente en EE. UU. Dejó de publicarse en junio de 2013. (es)
- Game Developer est un magazine américain à destination des professionnels de l’industrie du jeu vidéo. Il est publié depuis mars 1994 par . Sa publication a cessé en 2013. (fr)
- La rivista Game Developer è stata la prima pubblicazione per i creatori professionisti di videogiochi (e aspiranti tali). Fu creata originariamente nel marzo 1994 dalla Miller Freeman, Inc come trimestrale, successivamente divenne bimestrale e infine mensile. In ogni numero, leader del settore ed esperti condividevano soluzioni tecniche, esaminavano nuovi strumenti di sviluppo di giochi e discutevano strategie per la creazione di videogiochi innovativi e di successo. (it)