| - George Perle (* 6. Mai 1915 in Bayonne, New Jersey; † 23. Januar 2009 in New York City) war ein US-amerikanischer Komponist und Musiktheoretiker. (de)
- George Perle (6 May 1915 – 23 January 2009) was an American composer and music theorist. As a composer, his music was largely atonal, using methods similar to the twelve-tone technique of the Second Viennese School. This serialist style, and atonality in general, was the subject of much of his theoretical writings. His 1962 book, Serial Composition and Atonality: An Introduction to the Music of Schoenberg, Berg, and Webern remains a standard text for 20th-century classical music theory. Among Perle's awards was the 1986 Pulitzer Prize for Music for his Wind Quintet No. 4. (en)
- George Perle né à Bayonne (New Jersey), le 6 mai 1915 et mort à New York, le 23 janvier 2009, est un compositeur et théoricien de la musique. (fr)
- George Perle (Bayonne (New Jersey), 6 mei 1915 - New York, 23 januari 2009) was een Amerikaans componist, muziekpedagoog, muziektheoreticus en musicoloog. (nl)
- George Perle (Bayonne, 6 de maio de 1915 — Nova Iorque, 23 de janeiro de 2009) foi um compositor e teórico musical norte-americano. Em 1974, venceu o Prêmio Pulitzer de Música. (pt)
- 乔治·珀尔(英語:George Perle,1915年5月6日-2009年1月23日),美国作曲家、音乐理论家。生于新泽西州贝永,毕业于德保罗大学,曾以私人学生身份跟随克热内克学习。二战时加入过美军。1956年在纽约大学获博士学位。他的音乐创作受第二维也纳乐派影响,但并未直接照搬该乐派的十二音技法,而是自创了一套“十二音调性(twelve-tone tonality)”。他还是研究贝尔格的权威,1968年与斯特拉文斯基等人一同创办“贝尔格社团”。1986年获普利策奖。1989年至1991年任旧金山交响乐团驻团作曲家。2009年在纽约逝世。他作有多部室内乐曲,代表作有第四木管五重奏、钢琴与室内乐队《小夜曲III》、大提琴曲《希伯来旋律》等。著作包括《十二音调性》《序列音乐写作与无调性:勋伯格、贝尔格与韦伯恩音乐介绍》等。 (zh)
- George Perle (Bayonne, 6 maggio 1915 – New York, 23 gennaio 2009) è stato un compositore statunitense. Ha compiuto i suoi studi con Ernst Krenek ed ha creato un particolare sistema compositivo noto come tonalità dodecafonica (twelve-tone tonality) che si differenzia dalla dodecafonia anche se possiede tratti comuni a quest'ultima.È stato cofondatore della Alban Berg Society assieme a Igor' Fëdorovič Stravinskij e Hans Redlich. Nel 1963 Bernard Haitink ha diretto la prima esecuzione assoluta nel Concertgebouw di Amsterdam di "Three Movements" per orchestra di sua composizione. (it)