Girl Friend is a 2002 Indian Telugu-language romantic drama film directed by G. Nageswara Reddy and starring Rohit, Anitha Patil, Babloo, and Santosh Pavan. The film released to mixed reviews although the film's dialogues and music were praised.
Girl Friend is a 2002 Indian Telugu-language romantic drama film directed by G. Nageswara Reddy and starring Rohit, Anitha Patil, Babloo, and Santosh Pavan. The film released to mixed reviews although the film's dialogues and music were praised. (en)
Girl Friend is a 2002 Indian Telugu-language romantic drama film directed by G. Nageswara Reddy and starring Rohit, Anitha Patil, Babloo, and Santosh Pavan. The film released to mixed reviews although the film's dialogues and music were praised. (en)