Gongsun Ce is a fictional character in the Chinese novel The Seven Heroes and Five Gallants. Highly intelligent and very familiar with traditional Chinese medicine, he was an able assistant to the upright official Bao Zheng.
Gongsun Ce is a fictional character in the Chinese novel The Seven Heroes and Five Gallants. Highly intelligent and very familiar with traditional Chinese medicine, he was an able assistant to the upright official Bao Zheng. (en)
공손 책(公孫策)은 소설 삼협오의에 등장하는 가상의 인물로, 포청천(包青天)의 책사이다. 개봉부에 있을 때 포증을 보조하던 관리이자 책사로 호칭은 '대송제일총명인'(大宋第一聰明人)이었다. (ko)
Gongsun Ce is a fictional character in the Chinese novel The Seven Heroes and Five Gallants. Highly intelligent and very familiar with traditional Chinese medicine, he was an able assistant to the upright official Bao Zheng. (en)
공손 책(公孫策)은 소설 삼협오의에 등장하는 가상의 인물로, 포청천(包青天)의 책사이다. 개봉부에 있을 때 포증을 보조하던 관리이자 책사로 호칭은 '대송제일총명인'(大宋第一聰明人)이었다. (ko)