| - Guillaume Costeley [pronounced Cotelay] (1530, possibly 1531 – 28 January 1606) was a French composer of the Renaissance. He was the court organist to Charles IX of France and famous for his numerous chansons, which were representative of the late development of the form; his work in this regard was part of the early development of the style known as musique mesurée. He was also one of very few 16th century French composers of music for keyboard. In addition, he was a founding member of the Académie de Poésie et de Musique along with poet Jean-Antoine de Baïf, and he was one of the earliest composers to experiment with microtonal composition. (en)
- Guillaume Costeley [Cotalay, Cautelay, Costelly, Coustelly], né en 1531 probablement vers Pont-Audemer et mort le 1er février 1606 à Évreux, est un musicien et compositeur français de la Renaissance. (fr)
- Guillaume Costeley (także Costelay, Cotelay, Coteley; ur. ok. 1531 w Pont-Audemer, zm. 1 lutego 1606 w Évreux) – francuski kompozytor i organista. (pl)
- Гийом Котле́ (фр. Guillaume Costeley; около 1530/1531, Понт-Одеме, Нормандия — 1 февраля 1606, Эврё) — французский композитор и органист. (ru)
- Гійо́м Котле́ (фр. Guillaume Costeley; 1530 або 1531, Понт-Одеме, департамент Ер — 1 лютого 1606 року, Евре) — французький композитор і органіст. (uk)
- Guillaume Costeley (* um 1531 in Pont-Audemer, Normandie (?); † 1. Februar 1606 in Évreux) war ein französischer Organist und Komponist. Nach seiner Ausbildung, wahrscheinlich in Paris, war er von 1560(?) bis 1570 Hoforganist und diente Karl IX. und Heinrich III. von Frankreich. Danach wirkte er bis zu seinem Ableben in Évreux als Komponist und war dort Mitglied der Bruderschaft Sainte Cécile. (de)