INGKA Holding B.V. is a holding company based in Leiden, Netherlands. It is the holding company that controls 367 stores of the 422 of IKEA in 2018. The company is fully owned by the Stichting INGKA Foundation.
INGKA Holding B.V. es una sociedad gestora con sede en Leiden, Países Bajos. Es el holding que controla 367 tiendas de las 422 de IKEA en 2018. La compañía es propiedad de la Fundación Stichting INGKA . (es)
INGKA Holding B.V. is a holding company based in Leiden, Netherlands. It is the holding company that controls 367 stores of the 422 of IKEA in 2018. The company is fully owned by the Stichting INGKA Foundation. (en)
INGKA Holding B.V. es una sociedad gestora con sede en Leiden, Países Bajos. Es el holding que controla 367 tiendas de las 422 de IKEA en 2018. La compañía es propiedad de la Fundación Stichting INGKA . (es)
INGKA Holding B.V. is a holding company based in Leiden, Netherlands. It is the holding company that controls 367 stores of the 422 of IKEA in 2018. The company is fully owned by the Stichting INGKA Foundation. (en)