| - محمد بن أحمد بن محمد بن محمد بن علي بن غازي، المكناسي ثم الفاسي (مواليد 841 هـ، مكناس - توفي 910 هـ، فاس) من أعلام المغرب، تفنن في عدد من ضروب العلم والمعرفة، كالقراءات، والتفسير، والحديث، والحساب، والنحو، واللغة، والتاريخ، لكنه اشتهر بالفقه والفتوى، وله مؤلفات كثيرة. ولم يقتصر ابن غازي على التعليم والتأليف؛ بل انضم لصفوف المجاهدين لحماية الثغور المغربية من الغزاة الأوروبيين. (ar)
- Abu Abedalá Maomé ibne Amade ibne Maomé ibne Gazi Alutemani de Mequinez (ابن غازي المكناسي; Abu Abdallah Muhammad b. Ahmad b. Muhammad ibn Ghazi al-ʿUtmani al-Miknasi; Mequinez, 1437 – Fez, 1513) foi um erudito marroquino nos campos da história, lei islâmica, filologia e matemática. Nasceu em Mequinez, mas viveu a maior parte da sua vida em Fez. Escreveu escreveu uma história de três volumes de Mequinez e um comentário ao tratado de ibne Albana, Munyat al-hussab. Para uma explicação deste trabalho, ibne Gazi escreveu um outro tratado (com cerca de 300 páginas) intitulado Bughyat al-tulab fi sharh munyat al-hussab ("O desejo dos estudantes por uma explicação da vontade do calculador"). Incluiu seções sobre métodos aritméticos e algébricos. (pt)
- Abu Abdallah Muhammad b. Ahmad b. Muhammad Ibn Ghazi al-'Utmani al-Miknasi (Arabic: ابن غازي المكناسي) (1437–1513) was a Moroccan scholar in the field of history, Islamic law, Arabic philology and mathematics. He was born in Meknes from Banu Uthman, a clan in the Berber kutama tribe, but spent his life in Fez. Ibn Ghazi wrote a three-volume history of Meknes and a commentary to the treatise of Ibn al-Banna, Munyat al-hussab. For an explanation of his work, Ibn Ghazi wrote another treatise (about 300 pages long) titled Bughyat al-tulab fi sharh munyat al-hussab ("The desire of students for an explanation of the calculator's craving"). He included sections on arithmetic and algebraic methods.He is also the author of Kulliyat, a short work on legal questions and judgements in the Maliki madha (en)