Joseph Jules Zerey (born 9 June 1941 in Alexandria, Egypt) is a retired archbishop of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church and former Apostolic Vicar of Jerusalem.
Joseph Jules Zerey, auch Yussuf Zerej (* 9. Juni 1941 in Alexandria, Ägypten) ist Erzbischof der Melkitischen Griechisch-Katholischen Kirche und Apostolischer Vikar von Jerusalem. (de)
Joseph Jules Zerey (born 9 June 1941 in Alexandria, Egypt) is a retired archbishop of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church and former Apostolic Vicar of Jerusalem. (en)
Joseph Jules Zerey (ur. 9 czerwca 1941 w Aleksandrii – egipski duchowny melchicki, w latach 2008-2018 egzarcha patriarszy Jerozolimy. (pl)
Joseph Jules Zerey (Alessandria d'Egitto, 9 giugno 1941) è un arcivescovo cattolico egiziano, appartenente alla Chiesa cattolica greco-melchita. (it)