Kalpakanchery is a revenue village and a Gram Panchayat in Tirur Taluk, Malappuram district, Kerala, India. The village is located 21 kilometres (13 mi) south-west to the city of Malappuram. Kadungathukundu, Puthanathani, Kurukathani, and Randathani are four major towns around Kalpakanchery. The National Highway 66 passes through the village. The village is a centre of academic institutions and other offices. There are several educational institutions, healthcare institutions, two industrial training centres, Kalpakanchery police station, Bafakhy Yatheem Khana (orphanage), post office, Kalpakanchery Sub-registrar Office, and Kalpakanchery Panchayat Office in the town. The village had a weekly market on Wednesdays known as Melangadi Chantha. The weekly market was held at present-day Melang