Larry Ching (1921–2003), also known as the "Chinese Frank Sinatra," was a performer at the Forbidden City nightclub in San Francisco, U.S.A. Nearly 40 years after the end of his career there, he recorded a hit record produced by Ben Fong-Torres.
Larry Ching (1921–2003), also known as the "Chinese Frank Sinatra," was a performer at the Forbidden City nightclub in San Francisco, U.S.A. Nearly 40 years after the end of his career there, he recorded a hit record produced by Ben Fong-Torres. (en)
Larry Ching (1921–2003), also known as the "Chinese Frank Sinatra," was a performer at the Forbidden City nightclub in San Francisco, U.S.A. Nearly 40 years after the end of his career there, he recorded a hit record produced by Ben Fong-Torres. (en)