Lyelliceras is a genus of ammonites belonging to the family Lyelliceratidae. These cephalopods were fast-moving nektonic carnivores. They lived in the Cretaceous period, Albian stage (109.0 to 99.7 Ma).
Lyelliceras ongi ezagunak diren ammonite izeneko zefalopodoen artean genero fosil bat da. Kretazeoan bizi ziren, Albiarrean, hau da, orain dela 112 milioi urtetik 99,6 milioi urtera gutxi gorabehera. Lehen agerpena Albiarreko beheko estratuetan eman zen. (eu)
Lyelliceras is a genus of ammonites belonging to the family Lyelliceratidae. These cephalopods were fast-moving nektonic carnivores. They lived in the Cretaceous period, Albian stage (109.0 to 99.7 Ma). (en)
Lyelliceras ongi ezagunak diren ammonite izeneko zefalopodoen artean genero fosil bat da. Kretazeoan bizi ziren, Albiarrean, hau da, orain dela 112 milioi urtetik 99,6 milioi urtera gutxi gorabehera. Lehen agerpena Albiarreko beheko estratuetan eman zen. (eu)
Lyelliceras is a genus of ammonites belonging to the family Lyelliceratidae. These cephalopods were fast-moving nektonic carnivores. They lived in the Cretaceous period, Albian stage (109.0 to 99.7 Ma). (en)