Madeline Reeves is a fictional character on the long-running ABC daytime soap opera General Hospital, portrayed by Donna Mills, who made her appearance on March 14, 2014. The casting was announced in January 2014. Madeline was introduced as the estranged mother-in-law of Dr. Silas Clay (Michael Easton) and mother of Silas' comatose wife Nina Reeves (Michelle Stafford) and, biological aunt of Nathan West (Ryan Paevey) — whom she raised as her own. Madeline is also revealed to be the estranged sister of established character Dr. Liesl Obrecht (Kathleen Gati) having remade herself. Mills wrapped her initial stint in May 2014. Though the character was supposed to be short-term, Mills reprised the role of Madeline from October 2014 to January 2015. The character once again resurfaced in May 201