| - Maria Barba (née le 16 janvier 1884 à Catanzaro, en Calabre, dans le sud de l'Italie et morte le 12 juin 1949 à Raguse en Sicile) est une religieuse carmélite italienne connue sous son nom en religion de Maria Candida dell’Eucaristia (Marie Candide de l'eucharistie). Reconnue comme mystique, elle a laissé plusieurs écrits dont une méditation sur l'Eucharistie. Elle est béatifiée le 21 mars 2004 par le pape Jean-Paul II. (fr)
- Maria Barba, in religione Maria Candida dell’Eucaristia, nota anche come Madre Maria Candida dell'Eucaristia (Catanzaro, 16 gennaio 1884 – Ragusa, 12 giugno 1949), è stata una religiosa e mistica italiana dell'Ordine dei carmelitani scalzi, nota per i suoi scritti mistici che trattano dell'eucaristia. È stata beatificata nel 2004 da papa Giovanni Paolo II. (it)
- Maria Kandyda od Eucharystii (ur. 16 stycznia 1884 w Catanzaro; zm. 12 czerwca 1949 w Ragusie) – włoska karmelitanka bosa, Błogosławiona Kościoła katolickiego. (pl)
- Мария Барба или Мария Кандида Евхаристии (итал. Maria Candida dell’Eucaristia, 16 января 1884, Катандзаро — 12 июня 1949, Рагуза) — блаженная Римско-католической церкви, монахиня ордена босых кармелиток, мистик. (ru)
- Maria Candida of the Eucharist (16 January 1884 – 12 June 1949) - born Maria Barba - was an Italian Roman Catholic professed religious of the Discalced Carmelites. Barba desired to become a professed religious in her adolescence but her parents forbade this and she was forced to wait two decades for her to realize her dream; she entered the order after her parents died though alienated her brothers in the process who refused to ever see her due to their resentment towards her decision. Barba became a noted member of her convent in Ragusa and she served as prioress for an extensive period in which she fostered a rigid adherence to the order's rule so as to live the fullness of its charism. Her devotion to the Eucharist was a focal point for her spiritual thinking and her own life and she wr (en)