Maury, originally titled The Maury Povich Show, is an American tabloid talk show hosted by Maury Povich that ran in first-run syndication from 1991 to 2022. The series premiered in 1991 as The Maury Povich Show and was produced by MoPo Productions Inc. in association with Paramount Domestic Television. The show began unofficially using the title Maury in the 1995–1996 season, although its original title remained official until 1998, when Studios USA (now NBCUniversal) took over production and the show was officially retitled Maury. MoPo Productions Inc has continued to co-produce with NBCUniversal. For the series' first 18 seasons, it was taped in New York City; from 2009 until its end in 2022, the show was taped at the Rich Forum in Stamford, Connecticut, which is alternately known as the