| - Maxwell Alexander Rosenlicht (* 15. April 1924 in Brooklyn; † 22. Januar 1999 in Hawaii) war ein US-amerikanischer Mathematiker, der sich mit algebraischer Geometrie, algebraischen Gruppen und Differentialalgebra beschäftigte. (de)
- Maxwell Alexander Rosenlicht (15 avril 1924 – 22 janvier 1999) est un mathématicien américain connu pour ses travaux en géométrie algébrique, sur les groupes algébriques et l' (en). (fr)
- Maxwell Alexander Rosenlicht (Brooklyn, 15 aprile 1924 – Hawaii, 22 gennaio 1999) è stato un matematico statunitense, conosciuto per i suoi contributi in geometria algebrica, sui gruppi algebrici e in algebra differenziale. Ha ricevuto il premio Cole nel 1960 insieme a Serge Lang per il loro lavoro sulle . (it)
- Максвелл Розенлихт (15 апреля 1924, Бруклин — 22 января 1999, Гавайи) — американский математик. Доктор наук (с 1950), профессор. Занимался алгебраической геометрией, алгебраическими группами и дифференциальной алгеброй. (ru)
- Maxwell Alexander Rosenlicht (April 15, 1924 – January 22, 1999) was an American mathematician known for works in algebraic geometry, algebraic groups, and differential algebra. Rosenlicht went to school in Brooklyn (Erasmus High School) and studied at Columbia University (B.A. 1947) and at Harvard University, where he studied under Zariski. He became a Putnam fellow twice, in 1946 and 1947. He was awarded in his doctorate on an Algebraic Curve Equivalence Concepts in 1950. In 1952, he went to Northwestern University. From 1958 until his retirement in 1991, he was a professor at Berkeley. He was also a visiting professor in Mexico City, IHÉS, Rome, Leiden, and Harvard University. (en)
- Maxwell Alexander Rosenlicht (Brooklyn, 15 de abril de 1924 — Havaí, 22 de janeiro de 1999) foi um matemático estadunidense. Conhecido por seus trabalhos em geometria algébrica, grupos algébricos e álgebra diferencial. Em 1960 recebeu juntamente com Serge Lang o Prêmio Cole de Álgebra, por seu trabalho sobre . (pt)