Mi propósito eres tú is a Mexican television special short created by Televisa and broadcast on Las Estrellas. The first short was shown for the first time on 18 December 2018. The special at first, was created to make a Christmas campaign and closing of the New Year's Eve of 2018. The first short consisted to show a preview of the new telenovelas and series that Televisa would produce for 2019. Among the series that were shown in the short as new productions were: Ringo, This Is Silvia Pinal, Doña Flor y sus dos maridos, Como dice el dicho, Los elegidos (in the short as "Los protegidos"), La reina soy yo, Por amar sin ley, El Dragón: Return of a Warrior (as "El último dragón"), and No Fear of Truth: Awake. Despite not having been renewed for new seasons, some characters from series and te