| - Mircea Drăgan (3 October 1932 – 31 October 2017) was a Romanian film director. He directed 23 films between 1955 and 1992. His 1961 film Thirst was entered into the 2nd Moscow International Film Festival where it won the Silver Prize. Two years later, his film Lupeni 29 was entered into the 3rd Moscow International Film Festival and it also won the Silver Prize. He was a member of the jury at the 4th Moscow International Film Festival. His 1973 film Explosion was entered into the 8th Moscow International Film Festival where it won a Diploma. (en)
- Mircea Drăgan (3 Oktober 1932 – 31 Oktober 2017) adalah seorang sutradara Rumania. Ia menyutradarai 23 film antara 1955 dan 1992. Film tahun 1961 buatannya masuk dalam Festival Film Internasional Moskwa ke-2. Dua tahun kemudian, film buatannya masuk dalam Festival Film Internasional Moskwa ke-3. Ia menjadi anggota juri di . Film tahun 1973 buatannya masuk dalam . (in)
- Mircea Drăgan, né le 3 octobre 1932 à Gura Ocniței et mort le 31 octobre 2017 à Râmnicu Vâlcea (județ de Vâlcea), est un réalisateur et scénariste roumain. (fr)
- Mircea Drăgan (Gura Ocniței, 3 ottobre 1932 – Râmnicu Vâlcea, 31 ottobre 2017) è stato un regista e sceneggiatore rumeno. Il regista romeno Mircea Drăgan è stato autore di diversi lungometraggi come Setea, la serie Brigada Diverse, Columna e Neamul Şoimăreştilor. (it)
- Мирча Дрэган (рум. Mircea Drăgan; 3 октября 1932, с. (ныне жудец Дымбовица, регион Валахия, Румыния — 31 октября 2017, , Вылча, Румыния) — румынский режиссёр и сценарист. (ru)