| - Monkey Business is a UK TV series that premiered in 1998, focusing on the various primates living at Monkey World, a rescue centre and sanctuary for primates in Dorset, United Kingdom. The series featured Jim Cronin and Alison Cronin, directors of Monkey World, as they travelled around the world rescuing primates often from abusive situations, and bringing them to the Monkey World sanctuary. The goal of Monkey World was the rehabilitation of the rescued primates, who were then released to live within the sanctuary in as natural-a-habitat as possible. The series was narrated by Chris Serle. (en)
- Monkey Business is een televisieserie over verschillende primaten die worden opgevangen in Monkey World in Dorset, Engeland. De serie volgt zowel de oprichters van Monkey World, de verzorgers en andere medewerkers, als de verschillende groepen primaten, onder andere chimpansees, orang-oetans, gibbons, lemuren, makaken, doodshoofdaapjes, wolapen en kapucijnapen. (nl)
has abstract
| - Monkey Business is a UK TV series that premiered in 1998, focusing on the various primates living at Monkey World, a rescue centre and sanctuary for primates in Dorset, United Kingdom. The series featured Jim Cronin and Alison Cronin, directors of Monkey World, as they travelled around the world rescuing primates often from abusive situations, and bringing them to the Monkey World sanctuary. The goal of Monkey World was the rehabilitation of the rescued primates, who were then released to live within the sanctuary in as natural-a-habitat as possible. The series was narrated by Chris Serle. (en)
- Monkey Business is een televisieserie over verschillende primaten die worden opgevangen in Monkey World in Dorset, Engeland. De serie volgt zowel de oprichters van Monkey World, de verzorgers en andere medewerkers, als de verschillende groepen primaten, onder andere chimpansees, orang-oetans, gibbons, lemuren, makaken, doodshoofdaapjes, wolapen en kapucijnapen. (nl)