Nadeem–Shravan were an Indian music directors duo in the Bollywood film industry of India. They derives its name from their first names as, Nadeem Akhtar Saifi (born 6 August 1954) and Shravan Kumar Rathod (13 November 1954 – 22 April 2021).
Nadeem–Shravan, es un dúo musical indio formado por Shravan Kumar Rathod (13 de noviembre de 1954 – 22 de abril de 2021), fue un cantante de playback, compositor, director musical y arreglista indio, muy reconocido en el Bollywood dentro de la industria musical de la India; y Nadeem Akhtar Saifi (6 de agosto de 1954). (es)
Nadeem-Shravan est le nom d'un duo de compositeurs indiens de musique filmi constitué dans les années 1980. Il est formé des prénoms de Nadeem Akhtar Saifi et Shravan Kumar Rathod. (fr)
Nadeem-Shravan (a volte citato come Nadeem Shravan) è un duo di compositori, attivi principalmente nell'industria cinematografica di Bollywood. Il nome del duo deriva dai nomi dei due componenti Nadeem Saifi (6 agosto 1954) e Shravan Rathod (13 novembre 1954 – 22 aprile 2021). Hanno vinto in quattro occasioni il Filmfare Awards. (it)
Nadeem-Shravan (Nadeem Saifi i Shravan Rathod) to duet indyjskich kompozytorów muzyki do filmów bollywoodzkich. (pl)
Nadeem–Shravan were an Indian music directors duo in the Bollywood film industry of India. They derives its name from their first names as, Nadeem Akhtar Saifi (born 6 August 1954) and Shravan Kumar Rathod (13 November 1954 – 22 April 2021). (en)