| - Nakamura Kusatao (japanisch 中村 草田男; * 27. Juli 1901 in Xiamen; † 5. August 1983 in Tōkyō), eigentlich Nakamura Seiichirō (中村 清一郎), war ein japanischer Haiku-Dichter. (de)
- Kusatao Nakamura (中村 草田男, Nakamura Kusatao) ; 27 juillet 1901 à Xiamen - 5 août 1983 à Tokyo), nom véritable Seiichirō Nakamura (中村 清一郎, Nakamura Seiichirō), est un poète japonais de haiku. (fr)
- 中村 草田男(なかむら くさたお、1901年(明治34年)7月24日 - 1983年(昭和58年)8月5日)は、日本の俳人・国文学者。成蹊大学名誉教授。本名清一郎(せいいちろう)。 中国アモイ出身。東京帝国大学国文科卒。高浜虚子に師事、「ホトトギス」で客観写生を学びつつ、ニーチェなどの西洋思想から影響を受け、生活や人間性に根ざした句を模索。石田波郷、加藤楸邨らとともに人間探求派と呼ばれた。「萬緑」を創刊・主宰。戦後は第二芸術論争をはじめとして様々な俳句論争で主導的な役割をもった。次世代の金子兜太などに多大な影響を与えた。忌日は「草田男忌」として季語。 (ja)
- Nakamura Kusatao (中村 草田男, July 27, 1901 – August 5, 1983) was a Japanese haiku poet. Nakamura was born on July 27, 1901, in Amoy, Fujian Province, China, the son of a Japanese diplomat. A few years later his mother brought him to Japan, where he was educated in various schools in Matsuyama and Tokyo. One of those schools was Seinan Elementary School (港区立青南小学校) in Tokyo. When returning to that school twenty years later, he wrote perhaps his most famous haiku, reflecting on the falling snow and the passing of the Meiji era: (en)
has abstract
| - Nakamura Kusatao (japanisch 中村 草田男; * 27. Juli 1901 in Xiamen; † 5. August 1983 in Tōkyō), eigentlich Nakamura Seiichirō (中村 清一郎), war ein japanischer Haiku-Dichter. (de)
- Nakamura Kusatao (中村 草田男, July 27, 1901 – August 5, 1983) was a Japanese haiku poet. Nakamura was born on July 27, 1901, in Amoy, Fujian Province, China, the son of a Japanese diplomat. A few years later his mother brought him to Japan, where he was educated in various schools in Matsuyama and Tokyo. One of those schools was Seinan Elementary School (港区立青南小学校) in Tokyo. When returning to that school twenty years later, he wrote perhaps his most famous haiku, reflecting on the falling snow and the passing of the Meiji era: In 1977, the haiku was inscribed on a stone monument at the school unveiled by Nakamura.In 1925, he attended Tokyo University to study German literature, compelled by the works of Nietzsche, Hölderlin, Chekhov, Dostoevsky, and Strindberg. Following his father's death, he suffered a nervous breakdown in 1927 and turned to poetry, particularly the tanka of Saitō Mokichi. Eventually, he returned to Tokyo University, changing his major to Japanese literature and writing his bachelor's thesis on the poet Shiki Masakoa. He finally graduated in 1933. Following graduation, he taught at the until 1967. At Tokyo University, he joined the Tokyo University Haiku Society. In 1929, he met Kyoshi Takahama, the doyen of the conservative haiku school centered on the magazine Hototogisu. He joined the school and met other leading poets like Takashi Matsumoto and Kawabata Bōsha. He submitted haiku to Hototogisu and published his first collection, Chōshi (長子, "The Eldest Son"), in 1936. Like many other poets, he eventually broke with Hototogisu and started his own magazine, Banryoku (萬緑, "Myriad Green Leaves"), in 1946. Nakamura was a leading figure in a humanist approach to poetry referred to as ningen tankyūha (人間探求派). His verse was also noted for its ambiguity and obscurity. He went on to write over a half dozen haiku collections, several volumes of essays and criticism, and short stories he referred to as märchen. (en)
- Kusatao Nakamura (中村 草田男, Nakamura Kusatao) ; 27 juillet 1901 à Xiamen - 5 août 1983 à Tokyo), nom véritable Seiichirō Nakamura (中村 清一郎, Nakamura Seiichirō), est un poète japonais de haiku. (fr)
- 中村 草田男(なかむら くさたお、1901年(明治34年)7月24日 - 1983年(昭和58年)8月5日)は、日本の俳人・国文学者。成蹊大学名誉教授。本名清一郎(せいいちろう)。 中国アモイ出身。東京帝国大学国文科卒。高浜虚子に師事、「ホトトギス」で客観写生を学びつつ、ニーチェなどの西洋思想から影響を受け、生活や人間性に根ざした句を模索。石田波郷、加藤楸邨らとともに人間探求派と呼ばれた。「萬緑」を創刊・主宰。戦後は第二芸術論争をはじめとして様々な俳句論争で主導的な役割をもった。次世代の金子兜太などに多大な影響を与えた。忌日は「草田男忌」として季語。 (ja)