| - Narcissa Wright (born Cosmo Wright, July 21, 1989) is an American speedrunner and co-founder of the website SpeedRunsLive, which allows speedrunners to race with one another in real time. She previously held the records for the fastest completion of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker on the GameCube, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the iQue Player, Paper Mario on the Wii using Virtual Console, and Castlevania 64 on the Nintendo 64. Wright has attended many notable charity speedrunning events, including Awesome Games Done Quick and DreamHack 2014. (en)
- Narcissa Wright (antes Cosmo Wright, nascida em 21 de julho de 1989) é uma speedrunner norte-americana e co-fundadora do site SpeedRunsLive, que permite que speedrunners corram um contra o outro em tempo real. Wright já foi detentora de recordes por conclusão mais rápida dos jogos The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker para GameCube, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time para iQue Player, Paper Mario para Wii pelo Virtual Console, e Castlevania 64 para Nintendo 64. Wright já participou de vários eventos de speedrunning voltados à caridade, incluindo Awesome Games Done Quick e DreamHack 2014. (pt)
- Нарцисса Райт (англ. Narcissa Wright; род. Космо Райт англ. Cosmo Wright; 21 июля 1989 года; , Висконсин, США) — американский спидраннер и соосновательница сайта SpeedRunsLive, который позволяет спидраннерам соревноваться друг с другом в режиме реального времени. Ранее она была рекордсменом по самому быстрому завершению игр The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker на GameCube, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time на , Paper Mario на Wii используя Virtual Console и на Nintendo 64. (ru)