| - Nicholas Paul Wolterstorff (born January 21, 1932) is an American philosopher and theologian. He is currently Noah Porter Professor Emeritus Philosophical Theology at Yale University. A prolific writer with wide-ranging philosophical and theological interests, he has written books on aesthetics, epistemology, political philosophy, philosophy of religion, metaphysics, and philosophy of education. In Faith and Rationality, Wolterstorff, Alvin Plantinga, and William Alston developed and expanded upon a view of religious epistemology that has come to be known as Reformed epistemology. He also helped to establish the journal Faith and Philosophy and the Society of Christian Philosophers. (en)
- 니컬러스 월터스토프(Nicholas Paul Wolterstorff, 1932년 1월 21일 ~ )는 미국의 기독교 철학자이다. (ko)
- Nicholas Wolterstorff (Bigelow, 21 januari 1932) is een Amerikaans filosoof en emeritus hoogleraar van de Yale-universiteit. Hij heeft gepubliceerd op het gebied van de esthetica, epistemologie, politieke filosofie, en metafysica. Met Alvin Plantinga en ontwikkelde hij een visie die bekendstaat als de reformatorische epistemologie. In Nederland is zijn bekendste leerling René van Woudenberg. (nl)
- Nicholas Wolterstorff (nascido em 21 de janeiro de 1932) é um filósofo americano. Um escritor prolífico com amplos interesses filosóficos e teológicos, escreveu livros sobre estética, epistemologia, filosofia política, filosofia da religião, metafísica e filosofia da educação. Em Fé e Racionalidade, Wolterstorff, Alvin Plantinga e William Alston desenvolveram e ampliaram a visão da epistemologia religiosa que passou a ser conhecida como epistemologia Reformada. Ele também ajudou a estabelecer o jornal Faith and Philosophy e Society of Christian Philosophers. (pt)
- Nicholas Wolterstorff, né le 21 janvier 1932, est un philosophe américain. Auteur prolifique d'ouvrages portant sur de nombreux centres d'intérêt philosophiques et théologiques, il a écrit sur l'esthétique, l'épistémologie, la philosophie politique, la philosophie de la religion, la métaphysique et la philosophie de l'éducation. Dans Faith and Rationality, Wolterstorff, Alvin Plantinga et William Alston développent et élargissent le concept d' devenue . Il a également contribué à la fondation de la revue (en) et de la (en). (fr)