Outlaws is a British television comedy-drama series, first broadcast on BBC Three on 1 October 2004, that ran for a total of twelve episodes across a single series. The series stars Phil Daniels as Bruce Dunbar, the head of a shifty legal firm dealing in criminal law, who trains new employee Theodore Gulliver (Ray Emmet Brown) in his fairly underhand methods. While Gulliver, fighting Dunbar's influence, tries to do his job as best he can, Dunbar has his own problems, from clients who ransack his offices, to dealing with his self-abusive teenage daughter. Produced by World Productions, the series was described as a mixture of black comedy and an accurate portrayal of the inner workings of the British legal system.
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| - Outlaws (2004 TV series) (en)
| - Outlaws is a British television comedy-drama series, first broadcast on BBC Three on 1 October 2004, that ran for a total of twelve episodes across a single series. The series stars Phil Daniels as Bruce Dunbar, the head of a shifty legal firm dealing in criminal law, who trains new employee Theodore Gulliver (Ray Emmet Brown) in his fairly underhand methods. While Gulliver, fighting Dunbar's influence, tries to do his job as best he can, Dunbar has his own problems, from clients who ransack his offices, to dealing with his self-abusive teenage daughter. Produced by World Productions, the series was described as a mixture of black comedy and an accurate portrayal of the inner workings of the British legal system. (en)
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| - Dunbar is forced to take responsibility for his self-harming teenage daughter. (en)
- Will Dunbar be seduced by the chance of an easy life and a decent salary, or can Gulliver make him change his mind? Maybe a nice juicy murder will do the trick. (en)
- After Dunbar unexpectedly bags himself a date, he takes her back to the office for a little light relief. However, after failing to lock the officer door, the next morning he arrives to find he has been burgled. His day goes from bad to worse when he defends a conman who claims that the charge for his which he has been presented, of credit card theft, is not his MO - which he takes at face value. Big mistake... (en)
- Dunbar mentors a 14-year-old who is about to be placed under an Anti-Social Behaviour Order. Sarah celebrates the fact she's been accepted on a course to train as a district judge, but her joyous night ends on the wrong side of the law. (en)
- Gulliver faces an identity crisis when called upon to defend a blind racist, while Dunbar refuses to intervene in a violent marriage. (en)
- A prostitute's love beads prove an interesting case for Dunbar. (en)
- Dunbar's unimpressed when Gulliver tries to help a pimp's underage girlfriend, who has been detained after being caught riding in a stolen vehicle. Sarah makes herself unpopular by sticking to the letter of the law and providing Dunbar with evidence that assists in getting the case against a juvenile accused of murdering a police officer dropped. Gulliver continues to try to find an appropriate rehabilitation facility for Conor. (en)
- Gulliver's first day at the firm proves to be an eye-opener as he deals with a mental juvenile who has tried to burn down his children's home eleven times, and learns that the value of representing a thief who stole a £20 football shirt is much greater than he first thought. Dunbar attempts to get a suspected drug dealer off the hook by attempting to expose the corrupt activities of DC Simons. (en)
- When the head of a local haulier offers the firm all his legal business, Dunbar thinks his ship's come in. When Gulliver faces Sarah in court, he sees a different side to her. (en)
- Dunbar finds himself on the wrong end of a court appearance for failing to make sufficient maintenance payments to his ex-wife. Gulliver gets a visit from his dad. (en)
- Gulliver's naivety in dealing with the police earns him a dressing down from Dunbar after his defence of a juvenile thief goes pear shaped. Dunbar's own attempt at bargaining with the police goes horribly wrong when he attempts to secure protection for a drug dealer who was caught speeding. Simons' chances of promotion are scuppered when a burglar defended by Gulliver decides to admit to his own TICs. (en)
- Gulliver takes on a potentially explosive case when he tackles the anti-terrorism squad. Meanwhile, Dunbar finds himself left on the sidelines once again as he deals with the theft of a frozen steak. (en)
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| - Jimmy Gardner (en)
- John Alexander (en)
- Steve Coombes (en)
- Richard Laxton (en)
- Richard Zajdlic (en)
- Harry Bradbeer (en)
- Tony Basgallop (en)
- Anita J. Pandolfo (en)
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| - John Alexander (en)
- Richard Laxton (en)
- Harry Bradbeer (en)
| - Contender Entertainment (en)
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executive producer
| - Simon Heath (en)
- Gareth Neame (en)
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