| - Die Paläotempestologie ist eine Naturwissenschaft, die sich mit der Rekonstruktion vergangener tropischer Wirbelstürme befasst, und als solche eine Nebendisziplin der Paläoklimatologie ist. Zu den von der Paläotempestologie verwendeten Proxys zählen Sedimentablagerungen, Mikrofossilien (etwa Foraminiferen), Tropfsteine und Korallen. Zwar gab es erste paläotempestologische Untersuchungen bereits in den 1970ern, doch entwickelte sich die Forschungsrichtung erst nach dem Jahr 2000. (de)
- La paleotempestología es el estudio de actividades de pasados ciclones, a través de proxies geológicos, como de registros históricos. Este término lo acuñó Kerry Emanuel. (es)
- La Paleotempestologia è lo studio dell'attività passata dei cicloni tropicali, attraverso la ricerca e l'analisi di dati geologici o anche registri storici. Il termine è stato coniato da Kerry Emanuel, meteorologo del MIT di Boston. (it)
- 古风暴学(Paleotempestology)是一门通过气候代理数据研究古代热带气旋的学科,由麻省理工的气象学家凯瑞·伊曼纽尔创建,1990年代开始在美国兴起。 它兴起的主要原因是科学家意识到不能只靠历史文献来研究古代风暴,这些文献经常太过简短。尤其是在美国,历史记载最多只能追溯到150年前。 (zh)
- Paleotempestology is the study of past tropical cyclone activity by means of geological proxies as well as historical documentary records. The term was coined by American meteorologist Kerry Emanuel. The usual approach in paleotempestology is the identification of deposits left by storms. Most commonly, these are overwash deposits in waterbodies close to the coast; other means are oxygen isotope ratio variations caused by tropical cyclone rainfall in trees or speleothems (cave deposits), and identifying beach ridges kicked up by storm waves. The occurrence rate of tropical cyclones can then be inferred from these deposits and sometimes also their intensity – typically the stronger events are the most easily recognizable ones –, by comparing them to deposits left by historical events. (en)