| - تعليم بيرسون هي خدمة نشر وتقييم تعليمية مملوكة لبريطانيا للمدارس والشركات، وكذلك للطلاب بشكل مباشر. (ar)
- Pearson Education ist ein britischer, international tätiger Verlag vor allem für Schul- und Universitätslehrbücher und auf diesem Gebiet der größte Verlag der Welt. Er gehört zur Mediengruppe Pearson (Pearson PLC). Seit 2011 heißt der Verlag Pearson und besteht aus den Untergruppen Pearson International und Pearson North America. (de)
- Pearson Italia S.p.A., conosciuta anche come Pearson Paravia Bruno Mondadori, è una casa editrice italiana appartenente a un gruppo britannico, impegnata nel campo dell'editoria scolastica. (it)
- 培生教育(Pearson Education)出版集团是教育类出版物出版社,旗下品牌有艾迪生韋斯利、、、、朗文出版社、、普林帝斯霍爾和Poptropica。 培生北美公司总部位于纽约市哈德逊大街330号。 它之前位于新泽西州的Upper Saddle River。 (zh)
- Pearson Education is a British-owned education publishing and assessment service to schools and corporations, as well for students directly. Pearson owns educational media brands including Addison–Wesley, Peachpit, Prentice Hall, eCollege, Longman, Scott Foresman, and others. Pearson is part of Pearson plc, which formerly owned the Financial Times. It claims to have been formed in 1840, with the current incarnation of the company created when Pearson plc purchased the education division of Simon & Schuster (including Prentice Hall and Allyn & Bacon) from Viacom and merged it with its own education division, Addison-Wesley Longman, to form Pearson Education. Pearson Education was rebranded to Pearson in 2011 and split into an International and a North American division. (en)