| - Der Phoenix Shot Tower (auch bekannt als Merchants’ Shot Tower und Old Baltimore Shot Tower) ist ein historischer Schrotturm aus roten Mauerziegeln in Baltimore, in Maryland, in den USA. (de)
- La Phoenix Shot Tower, conosciuta anche come Old Baltimore Shot Tower, è una torre per pallini in mattoni di Baltimora, nel Maryland, costruita nel 1828 per la produzione di proiettili di piombo. Al momento della sua costruzione era l'edificio più alto degli Stati Uniti d'America. (it)
- La Phoenix Shot Tower est une tour située à Baltimore (Maryland, États-Unis). Haute de 65,5 mètres, ce fut la plus haute structure des États-Unis, de sa construction en 1828 à celle de la Trinity Church à New York en 1846. La production continua néanmoins jusqu'en 1892, avant que de nouvelles techniques de fabrication la rendent obsolète, bien qu'elle reprît temporairement service au début du XXe siècle. Successivement, elle prit les noms de Phoenix Shot Tower, puis Merchants Shot Tower et enfin Old Baltimore Shot Tower. (fr)
- The Phoenix Shot Tower, also known as the Old Baltimore Shot Tower, is a red brick shot tower, 234.25 feet (71.40 m) tall, located near the downtown, Jonestown (also known later as Old Town), and Little Italy communities of East Baltimore, in Maryland. When it was completed in 1828 it was the tallest structure in the United States. (en)