| - Pierre-Philippe Choffard (París, 19 de marzo de 1730 – ibidem, 7 de marzo de 1809) fue un grabador francés. (es)
- Pierre-Philippe Choffard (19 mars 1730 - 7 mars 1809) est un dessinateur et graveur français, qui fut un remarquable ornemaniste d'ouvrages. (fr)
- Pierre-Philippe Choffard (Parigi, 19 marzo 1730 – Parigi, 7 marzo 1809) è stato un disegnatore e incisore francese, considerato il più brillante illustratore di libri del suo secolo. (it)
- Pierre-Philippe Choffard (19 March 1731 – 7 March 1809) was a French draughtsman and engraver. Choffard was born in Paris in 1731. While still very young he showed great aptitude for drawing flowers and ornaments, and was placed with an engraver of maps named , but he afterwards received lessons from Babel, an engraver of ornaments, and is said to have had also the benefit of the advice of Nicolas Edelinck, Balechou, and Cochin. Commencing with the cartouches of maps, which date from 1753 to 1756, he next engraved invitation and address cards and book-plates, and these drew attention to his abilities and secured for him the commission to execute the tail-pieces for the celebrated edition of the 'Contes' of La Fontaine published by the Fermiers-Généraux in 1762. The fertility of invention a (en)
has abstract
| - Pierre-Philippe Choffard (París, 19 de marzo de 1730 – ibidem, 7 de marzo de 1809) fue un grabador francés. (es)
- Pierre-Philippe Choffard (19 March 1731 – 7 March 1809) was a French draughtsman and engraver. Choffard was born in Paris in 1731. While still very young he showed great aptitude for drawing flowers and ornaments, and was placed with an engraver of maps named , but he afterwards received lessons from Babel, an engraver of ornaments, and is said to have had also the benefit of the advice of Nicolas Edelinck, Balechou, and Cochin. Commencing with the cartouches of maps, which date from 1753 to 1756, he next engraved invitation and address cards and book-plates, and these drew attention to his abilities and secured for him the commission to execute the tail-pieces for the celebrated edition of the 'Contes' of La Fontaine published by the Fermiers-Généraux in 1762. The fertility of invention and the taste displayed by the artist in these gems of art are known and admired by all. The series ends with his own portrait in profile as the tail-piece of 'Le Rossignol.' To these succeeded, among a host of minor pieces, the large ornaments placed at the head of each book of the Ovid's 'Metamorphoses' of 1767–1771, the headpieces to Saint-Lambert' s poem, 'Les Saisons,' issued in 1769, and again with some alterations in 1775, those to 's poem, 'Le Jugement de Paris,' 1772, and the tail-pieces to 's 'Histoire de la Maison de Bourbon,' published in the years 1779–1788. All these combined to establish his reputation as a designer of ornament without a rival. Besides these, the ornamental pieces which he executed for the 'Voyage pittoresque de Naples et de Sicile' of Saint-Non, published in 1781, and the plates of 'Les Amants surpris,' 'Les Amourschampêtres,' and 'Marchez tout doux, parlez tout bas,' after Baudouin, and a view of Narbonne, after Monnet, must be ranked among his best works. Choffard wrote in 1804 a 'Notice historique sur l'art de la Gravure,' and was about to undertake a more extensive work when he was struck down by death at Paris in 1809. MM. and Béraldi give in their 'Graveurs du Dix-huitieme Siècle' a detailed catalogue of his engravings, which number 855. (en)
- Pierre-Philippe Choffard (19 mars 1730 - 7 mars 1809) est un dessinateur et graveur français, qui fut un remarquable ornemaniste d'ouvrages. (fr)
- Pierre-Philippe Choffard (Parigi, 19 marzo 1730 – Parigi, 7 marzo 1809) è stato un disegnatore e incisore francese, considerato il più brillante illustratore di libri del suo secolo. (it)