Psychoshop is a science fiction novel begun by Alfred Bester, who died in 1987, and finished by Roger Zelazny. It was published posthumously in 1998 by Random House under their Vintage imprint, following Zelazny's death in 1995.
Psychoshop is a science fiction novel begun by Alfred Bester, who died in 1987, and finished by Roger Zelazny. It was published posthumously in 1998 by Random House under their Vintage imprint, following Zelazny's death in 1995. (en)
Psychoshop is a science fiction novel begun by Alfred Bester, who died in 1987, and finished by Roger Zelazny. It was published posthumously in 1998 by Random House under their Vintage imprint, following Zelazny's death in 1995. (en)