Quigley (released in the United Kingdom as Daddy Dog Day) is a 2003 American Christian comedy film written, directed and co-produced by William Byron Hillman. It stars Gary Busey, Curtis Armstrong, and Oz Perkins, and was released direct-to-video.
Quigley (released in the United Kingdom as Daddy Dog Day) is a 2003 American Christian comedy film written, directed and co-produced by William Byron Hillman. It stars Gary Busey, Curtis Armstrong, and Oz Perkins, and was released direct-to-video. (en)
Quigley − amerykański film familijny z 2003 roku. (pl)
Quigley (released in the United Kingdom as Daddy Dog Day) is a 2003 American Christian comedy film written, directed and co-produced by William Byron Hillman. It stars Gary Busey, Curtis Armstrong, and Oz Perkins, and was released direct-to-video. (en)
Quigley − amerykański film familijny z 2003 roku. (pl)