Quintin Jardine (born 1945) is a Scottish author of three series of crime novels, featuring the fictional characters Bob Skinner, Oz Blackstone, and Primavera Blackstone.
كوينتن جاردين (بالإنجليزية: Quintin Jardine) (29 يونيو 1945 في المملكة المتحدة)؛ روائي بريطاني. (ar)
Quintin Jardine és un escriptor escocès, autor de dues sèries de novel·la de crims, protagonitzades pels personatges Bob Skinner i Oz blackstone. Va néixer a Motherwell el 29 de juny de 1945. (ca)
Quintin Jardine (born 1945) is a Scottish author of three series of crime novels, featuring the fictional characters Bob Skinner, Oz Blackstone, and Primavera Blackstone. (en)